Jan 12, 2015 8 Questions with: Tim Gavin

Tim Gavin helped found DVS shoes in 1995, Matix clothing in 1998, and Lakai Footwear in 1999. And now with his pals designer Bryon Schroeder and retail ace Mark Schuback, the ex-pro for Girl is launching a brand-new line of footwear for skaters “whether on a board, getting coffee or drinks with friends, or maintaining a healthy lifestyle.” I love skateboarding, coffee, and not being sick, so I ran him down at Agenda in Long Beach last week for the scoop.
How would you describe your job to someone who doesn’t skateboard?
Typically, I would say it doesn’t feel like a job because I love skateboarding and working with and skateboarding. However, starting a new footwear brand is a lot of work. I would describe my job as problem-solving with creative solutions.
Tell me how Filament is different than the previous brands you’ve worked on?
It’s different because today’s consumer market is different. Consumers are more mature and more in tune with style, rather than just buying a brand because of its marketing. But I’m a big proponent of product and I think product prevails. With this brand, I really wanted to focus on technology and innovation, and try to create a brand that is universal for all walks of life–no pun intended.
What is it like to almost exclusively work with a crew of friends? Are there challenges?
Working with friends is the best thing in the world but doing business with friends can become very challenging. If you can set aside pride and ego and put the brand first, then decisions aren’t as difficult.
After seeing seasons go by and trends come and go in skateboarding, do you ever get surprised?
Honestly, I get surprised by how brands put shit out there and it sells. The quality of a lot of the product out there is terrible, and I think word-of-mouth will be our most effective marketing for our product, which will speak for itself.
Is it harder to find inspiration after being around the block a few times?
Not at all. As I grow and evolve in life, new things inspire me and new motivations transpire. For instance, I’ve started to live a really healthy life and I wanted a category of footwear to represent that. Before that, it would have been ridiculous for someone like me to do a footwear category outside of skateboarding.
Reading anything interesting at the moment?
Leadership and Self-Deception by the Arbinger Institute.
Do you have a favorite post-work destination?
Home, to spend time with my family.
As a kid, what did you want to be when you grow up?
That was the scariest thing for me. For so long, I had no clue. I had no direction or no desire to be anything until I found skateboarding, and then I dedicated my entire life to become a professional skateboarder.
Preview the complete line of Filament goods at filamentbrand.com. And why not follow Imprint on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook for more information, articles, and events?