Jul 08, 2013 8 Questions with: Una Kim

There are plenty of independently owned and operated T-shirt, soft goods, and accessory brands out there. But who is crazy enough to start his or her own shoe company? That would be Una Kim, who helped launch Keep Company in 2006. The Los Angeles-based operation has not only survived but has gained notoriety among footwear followers for its detail-oriented (handwoven ikat fabric and traditional Japanese indigo prints), eco-friendly (vegan and cruelty-free) offerings. It doesn’t hurt that Keep Company has collaborated with legit musicians such as Animal Collective and Bon Iver as well as respected shops like Patta from Amsterdam. I visited my longtime friend at her headquarters/shop on Fairfax and asked her eight questions.
How would you describe your job?
A constant challenge.
What are you currently working on?
Finishing the designs for our 2014 Kid’s collection, shooting our Fall 2013 C-walk homage video, and prepping for the release of our collaboration with Dinosaur Jr. (mainly by listening to the accompanying 7″ on repeat and basking in the glory that is vinyl).
What does your average work day look like?
I hike and run in the morning. This is when my mind settles and I figure out my strategy for the day. During this time I convene with nature and focus on all the things that I am grateful for and that make me feel enthusiastic about the world. Then I go to the office and try to hold onto that perspective and feeling for as long as possible, while I extinguish the bonfires of miscommunication, production problems, sales crises, operational demands and interpersonal challenges that erupt around me. Somewhere in there I eat a delicious lunch to fortify my spirits and have a coffee. The rest of the time I design shoes and take photos and dream up concepts that would be rad if I had unlimited time, energy, and money. The whole day I hang with my awesome co-workers. It’s pretty fun.
Where do you find inspiration?
My family, especially my father.
My close friends who I’ve known for many lifetimes.
My cats. They are lovely aliens from a different dimension.
Almost everything I eat.
Small, daily rituals like having my cup of coffee and drinking my macrobiotic elixir that my mom gave me the recipe for.
Music, music, music, music.
Myths, legends, and fairy tales.
Human beings being kind to one another.
Martial arts.
Anything that makes you feel more pure, more genuine, more connected, and more alive.
You’ve made some pretty cool collaborations and I don’t think you choose them entirely for financial reasons. Can you talk about how you choose your partners?
Partners should make you:
1) Feel like you’re not alone.
2) Nod your head several times unconsciously, muttering affirmative words to yourself when you experience their work.
3) Feel certain they stand for something that you respect.
4) Happy to know them as a human being.
Those are the people with whom we tend to collaborate.
What are you reading at the moment?
Just finished The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter.
What’s your favorite post-work destination?
Griffith Park! I go there every day, before and after work.
You have a dream job but, as a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A hair braider and a writer.
Visit Keep Company at 523 N. Fairfax Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90036 from Tuesday through Sunday (12:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.) or keepcompany.com.
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