Jun 02, 2016 8 Question Interview w/ Ron English
Ron English, a skilled oil painter, street artist and toy designer, is known for creating art that has consumers take a second look at ads from a corporate-dominated society. He is recognized as “The Godfather of Street Art” for altering many ads illegally in New York to point out bigger issues that are often controversial. He paints his own versions of billboard-sized cover up ads and lays them on top of the original ads as an anti-corporate message for everyone to see. Some of his targets are the major corporations including Camel, McDonald’s, and Disney. Ron has also become a leading member of the vinyl toy movement by creating over 50 different designer toys of his iconic characters. Check out his Q&A below and don’t miss his pop-up toy store Friday-Sunday at the Art Gathering event in Long Beach from 11am-10pm.Where/how do you find inspiration for your pieces?
Inspiration is the easiest thing; you just need to be alive.
What does a typical day look like for you?
Make art, make trouble.
What do you want to communicate with your art?
Can you tell us more about the Art Gathering event that’s taking place in Long Beach June 2-5?
I will have a pop-up toy store and a mural, but mostly I will have a lot of fun!
I love the Guernica interpretations you painted. Which one is your personal favorite and why?
Grade School Guernica, because it is my kids. This September I will debut a Guernica show in New York with Eric Allouche Gallery. 20 new Guernicas!
What is your dream project?
I’m thinking a satellite equipped with a bank of laser projectors so I could project animation on the new moon.
What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced while pursuing a career as an artist?
Money mostly. I started off pretty poor. The illegal nature of my early years also made life pretty hard.
If you could give some advice to your teenage self, what would it be?
Get out of town before they run you out. Either way it all turns out the same in the end.