Dec 21, 2015 8 Questions with: Annija Veldre
I discovered Annija Veldre‘s work when I was scrolling through Bored Panda. I had to do a double-take on her photographs because they were so surreal. I found out she is a 21- year-old self taught artist from Latvia who takes self portraits outdoors. She manipulates it in Photoshop to capture the essence of beauty in the connection of human, nature and animals. Here’s an 8 Question Interview to get an insight into her creative mind.What are you currently working on?
I am currently working on a project for a company, where I have to create specific photos for their products and meanwhile I am creating various photos just with my ideas and dreams. Next year I am taking on bigger projects as well!
How would you describe your artwork?
My artwork is the combination between what I feel, dream and think. Feeling how the nature takes care of us, dream of how the world could be and thinking of all the possibilities.
Where do you find inspiration?
I find my inspiration everywhere. Watch a movie, go to art galleries, listen to various music and just look around- everything is hiding there.
What does a typical day look like for you?
Well I study PR and advertising so firstly I go to my studies, there I listen and edit my photos as well, then I come home- If i have an idea, maybe go and shoot something for that and then in the evening I make a cup of tea and edit away the night.
How did you get involved with photography?
My mom bought Nikon D80 for our trip to Australia back in 2001 I think, and I picked it up and started to experiment. That is how all of this started. I got bored of the usual images and I started to experiment with Photoshop.
What is the most challenging part when shooting self-portraits?
Not being afraid that someone might see you, working with tripod alone in the woods and perhaps, developing the idea so good that is works just as good in the beginning as it does in the end because a lot of times the start idea turns out different than it was planned in the start.
What are you reading or listening to at the moment?
I am reading about 13 art books at the same time and listening to Bon Iver and Ben Howard because it is just that time of the year when nature becomes so misty and full of secrets.
As a kid, what did you want to be when you grow up?
A hairdresser at first, then a Fashion designer – I even have my sketch book with all the clothes still somewhere in my bookshelf.
Check out her Website, Instagram, Facebook for more pictures.