Apr 27, 2015 8 Questions with: Hana Asano
For most of Hana Asano‘s life, her skills and energy were primarily focused around the game of basketball. Though her playing days ended in 2012 after a very successful collegiate career at UC Davis, her love for sports and enjoying watching athletes compete, still remains a passion. Aside from athletics, her other interests always included photography, spending time with her family and enjoying the beach culture of Southern California and Hawaii. It is not by coincidence that her new career has now been directed into combining all of her favorite passions. Last year, she became a team photographer for the MLS Champion LA Galaxy Soccer Team and has captured many amazing photos of her favorite place to hang out, the beach. The following is an 8-question interview that reveals the thoughts and inside look into the life of this amazing young photographer.How would you describe your work?
I think my photographs are best described as ‘me’. Whatever emotion I am feeling at that moment, I try to incorporate that. And hope that everyone who sees that same image can feel the same emotions… I guess in an essence, I try to freeze emotion and time together.
What are you currently working on?
I’m currently working on some personal projects, as well as some creative projects for the LA Galaxy. I can’t reveal too much, but I think they will be some fun stuff.
Where do you find inspiration?
I think I find the most inspiration from music. I love the diversity and emotional aspects of music. It’s so cool to see how limitless different artists see the world. My favorite is jazz music- Simple to the ear, yet so bear opened and intricate. I try to incorporate that into my own art of photography, whether it’s sports, landscape, or portraits.
What does a typical day look like for you?
A typical day for me is very un-typical. Everyday is so different, and I really enjoy that. It makes me feel alive. But regardless of whatever event I’m shooting that day, I always try to get in a morning run, swim, or surf. A day shooting with the LA Galaxy could look something like this…on game days we all arrive around 4 hours before and start setting up remote cameras and getting our gear ready. We then split up to photograph the players coming into the stadium at different locations. We also cover all pre game events on and off the field, like warm-ups, national anthem, etc. And all of our images are sent to our social media manager on the fly, so he could use them for social media instantly. During the actual game, we all split up at different locations around the field to shoot multiple angles; mostly for celebration shots because we never know which way the players will run to after they score. Whenever there is a goal, I help edit the photos to send right away. We also cover all post game events, and then we edit our photos into the night. It’s kind of a routine we get into, but it’s also really fun because every game is so different. I was lucky enough to be shooting for the Galaxy when they won the MLS Cup last year. That was really insane. I don’t even remember watching the game, and didn’t realize what had happened until all of our photos were edited, turned in, and we had time to enjoy a beer together.
What is the most challenging part when shooting photos?
Weather, access, and limited time are some of the challenges I think photographers have when shooting sports. But many challenges can be levitated by early preparation.
Where is your favorite post-work destination?
Hm… I’m always happy when I’m at the beach during a sunset, or with my friends and family.
What are you reading or listening to at the moment?
I’m currently reading ‘The Pearl’ by John Steinbeck…and listening to some G.Love.
If you could give some advise to your teenage self, what would it be?
I think I’d tell myself to not be afraid to make mistakes. As an athlete, I was always seeking so much perfection, and I put a lot of pressure on myself to succeed so I wouldn’t let down my team. I missed a lot of fun in my teenage years because of that. But, I also tell myself this everyday now too. As we grow older, we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be successful in whatever it is that you want. I want to enjoy the journey and always try to remember to enjoy the failures as much as the successes that I may have. It’s more exciting that way.
Check out her website, Instagram and journal for more information.