8 Questions With: Jason Schroder

8 Questions With: Jason Schroder

Jason Schroder is a talented Los Angeles-based tattoo artist and tattoo machine maker, who operates under the moniker Mr. Incognito. Incognito Tattoo was originally a tattoo shop in Pasadena, which Jason worked at alongside other accomplished artists, but about two years back he opted to move to the lovely Los Feliz neighborhood and set up a quiet, private appointment-only tattoo studio to work from. With 20 year’s worth of tattooing under his belt, Jason has more skill and talent in his left pinky than your average whippersnapper could ever hope to attain. He’s also great guy, with an impressive creative output, and a job which brings him into contact with a wide array of fascinating Angelenos.
mr incognito, jason schroder, tattoo, art, artist, los angeles, imprint

What are you currently working on?
Oh man, I have a ton of stuff in the works, lots of tattooing, tattoo machine building and of course tons of new product for Spitfire Girl. That’s me and my wife’s company, it is an eclectic mix of stationery, old time toys, housewares and gift ware. The line is becoming expansive and really taking off. She started the company 13 years ago and when we met 7  years ago we really took the ball and ran with it. 

How would you describe your job?
I am a problem solver, from interpreting tattoo ideas into a cohesive plan, figuring out tattoo machines to meet my needs or designing products for Spitfire. I am presented with a set of problems and have to sort them out to make a great product.

mr incognito, jason schroder, tattoo, art, artist, los angeles, imprint

What does your average work day look like?
It really depends on the day. I might be tattooing for 10 hours, or at our retail location on Hillhurst ave in Los Feliz selling jewelry to celebrities, in the machine shop welding and making tattoo machines, or at our warehouse downtown designing new product and shipping out orders. Its a hectic life, but I am never bored.

What’s the best thing about working in Los Angeles?
Getting to live in LA is the best part. I spend a fair amount of time on the Eat Coast and its great, but the weather is just a constant kick in the balls. I  do not do well in the cold.

mr incognito, jason schroder, tattoo, art, artist, los angeles, imprint

Where do you find inspiration?
Inspiration is all around us in LA we have an amazing amount of culture to pull from. 

As a kid, what did you want to be when you grow up?
It was always an artist of some sort.I found tattooing when I was 15 an never looked back. Now that I am 40 I am definitely doing more commercial, editorial work and I really like it.

mr incognito, jason schroder, tattoo, art, artist, los angeles, imprint

What are you reading at the moment?
Lots of Philip K. Dick.

What’s your favorite post-work destination?
Steaks and a bottle of red in the backyard. Or any of the amazing Mexican joints on Sunset for some crappy Mexican food and mountains of Margaritas.

mr incognito, jason schroder, tattoo, art, artist, los angeles, imprint