8 Questions with: Justin Dionisio

8 Questions with: Justin Dionisio

Justin Dionisio, co-founder of Hollr, Inc. (with Michael Bachman) was the first incubee in our Imprint Venture Lab II portfolio back in 2011. Our team was easily impressed with Justin’s charisma and creative brilliance, obvious through the depth of his vast ideas. We first launched the GO app, an anonymous, GPS based mobile broadcasting app, which was ahead of its time, but ingeniously designed. Their second app, Solar, was a weather category-killing winner that inspired a new breed of experience design across culture. Justin is now engaged with a number of ventures including serving as a co founder / creative director of Civilware (handcrafted design, outdoor tool manufacturing), a Design Partner at Lens Capital (advising new businesses on user centered design and technology trends in emerging markets), along with continuing to serve as Chief Creative Officer of Kuro Interactive. Justin shares a little bit about what drives his pursuits and what he has learned along the way.

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Tell us about your story as an entrepreneur, from Kuro to Hollr to Lens Capital … (and more).
I never really thought of myself as an entrepreneur. I simply like to figure out the best way to do something and pursue the solution. Thinking for a living allows me to continually progress and learn something every day.

Share some of the insights and lessons you’ve learned as serial entrepreneur thus far.
If I could pass on one piece of knowledge it is simply to get your product out there. It is never going to be perfect. If the idea solves a real problem, it will gain traction naturally and allow you plenty of chances to iterate and refine… The less you speculate, the better your odds for success.

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Describe some of the projects that you are most proud of.
I am not sentimental about my work and really do not look back. I do the best I can at the time with the resources presented to me – some are successes and some are not, but I am proud of the fact that I tried and put something out there.


What are you currently working on?
A little over a year ago I was able to establish a hybrid venture fund that focuses solely on small businesses that can use design and technology for a competitive advantage. In most cases, that service is more valuable than capital to a start up – so it is really rewarding.


Tell us about Civilware USA. How did you become involved with Geoff Rowley and Civilware? What’s your role and where are you helping to take the brand?
Civilware is the perfect example of a business that is empowered through design and technology. On paper it is a traditional American manufacturing operation, but under the hood it is something entirely different – and that is what the legacy brands cannot compete with. They are too established in their ways and will always be playing catch up. It has been a lot of fun collaborating with Geoff on his vision, but there is a lot of hard work ahead to further develop the brand. We are really excited for some projects on the horizon – for a such young company, the opportunities we have are tremendous.


What are the top 5 areas that venture folks should be paying attention to right now?
I do not know what other VCs should focus on … I try to identify what value, knowledge or perspective I can inject to the equation. If the only value I can add is monetary – I decline and try and help connect someone who can be of service.

What did you want to be as a kid?
Early on, I recognized that I wasn’t made for a typical 9-5 job… I simply do not have the attention span for it. My strategy was simply to take whatever was presented to me and do the best I could. If it was interesting, I pursued it, if not I would cut my losses and move on. Over the years, I have been able to refine that down into a career that I love. I cannot remember the last time I dreaded going to work.


Where do you personally find inspiration?
Working with a variety of companies and products keeps me inspired. Around every bend is a new set of challenges and new people to collaborate with. I am extremely fortunate to work alongside such talented people.