May 23, 2016 8 Questions with Karen Kawallek, Founder of Lake Providence Lodge Scented Wax Melts
Karen Kawallek is the Founder and visionary of Lake Providence Lodge Scented Wax Melts I discovered her during a listen to January’s issue of Shopify Masters, a podcast that educates and inspires business owners on how to grow their on-line businesses with actionable steps. The thing about this interview that struck me the most was the notion that you don’t have to quit your day job before you can identify yourself as an entrepreneur. People might tell you that in order to be an entrepreneur, there are rules. You need to have a fully formed idea that’s a hit, you need to be famous or know somebody famous, you need to give up your day job and dive in with your whole heart, leaving it all behind and see just what happens. If you don’t bet the farm on your idea, then they might say you’re a hobbyist, a weekend warrior, AKA not serious. Who made up these rules? Why are you following them? Listen, while you are busy making excuses (no time, no good ideas, no connections to Mr. Wonderful), others are busy making it work. Take Karen for example. Gainfully employed in the corporate world with no reason to jump ship, she saw a problem that needed solving for her and went about addressing it in a one-step-at-a-time fashion. Karen was passionate about having well made, dye-free, strongly scented wax melts. She didn’t see herself as an artisan, so she took a scientific approach. She taught herself how to create something she needed and then the Customers found her. She had 30 years in the corporate world under her belt with business know-how at her disposal. She took calculated risks and never committed to more than she could do at any one time. She has objectives and goals and all of that makes her a legitimate business owner.You can do it too! Start with an idea. What are you passionate about, what can you make, what life hacks do you have up your sleeve? What is your problem that needs solving? Think about it. Then take a look at Karen’s journey, believe in yourself and then commence with the dropping of excuses.
Describe the evolution of Lake Providence Lodge Scented Wax Melts. How and why did you get started?
Lake Providence Lodge scented wax melts was born, in 2012, out of a LOVE of a nicely scented home paired with a quest for long lasting, dye-free, strongly scented wax melts. The commercially manufactured home fragrance products that I was able to find on the market underwhelmed me. I tried smaller vendor wax and LOVED the quality of the product. A very crafty friend asked why I did not make them for myself. I am not even a little bit crafty but got some materials and began. Again, since I do not see this as a crafty venture (it is far more math and science than art), I began testing, blending and documenting data about my testing. I found a wax blend that gave me the results I wanted and I made wax melts for myself and later for friends and family.
Once friends and family of friends and family wanted to buy my wax, it became a small, local business. The business moved online in January 2014.
You have a full time career and you are an entrepreneur at the same time! For a lot of people, feeling pressure to let go of their career safety net or the fear of having to manage competing priorities keeps people from diving in to run their own business. What advice do you have for those sitting on the fence? How do you manage both?
You can do both. Especially until you know whether the new venture is something that you would want to do, or could afford to do, full time. The key is setting boundaries and having clear business goals and rules for what you can and will do.
While I have been recently asked to do so, I am not in a position to accept wholesale orders. Having clear business rules will keep you from following the emotion (it is flattering!) and moving too quickly or in the wrong direction. I still work my full time career. As a result, there is only so much product that I can make and ship out in a week. I do not open myself up for more than I can manage. I own the business, so I am in control of that.
I have also spoken with some who indicated that they could not open a business with just 1 product. They say you must wait until they have more. Why? Who says? Do it. Try it.
I’m sure people are wondering about your domain name. Lake Providence Lodge Scented Wax Melts is probably the longest domain on the Internet. Tell us how you came up with the name in 2012 and why you’ve decided to stick with the long form in 2016.
Yes it is!
Many years ago, as a single mom, I saved to purchase a home all on my own. I wanted to live in the neighborhood that I had previously, so that my son could continue in his school and with his friends. LONG story, but I could not afford the homes there. Then a home, which was not even for sale, became available in the most unusual manner and I was able to purchase it! I decorated it in cabin and lodge motif. I bought an old window at an antique store and wanted to paint it to hang in the new house. I wanted the window to look like it had come out of an old fishing lodge. The lodge window needed a name on it, so I pondered a suitable name. I knew that God had provided the home, so I painted the window to say Lake Providence Lodge. It is now in the wax room in my current home. Years later I was given the opportunity to sell my wax at an event at my corporation. Until then, my wax had only the scent name on the label. I had no company name but needed one-quickly! I was told that I needed a sign to take to the event. I named the company Lake Providence Lodge, so that I could take that painted window to the event to be used as my company sign.
I then used the company name to establish my domain not thinking it would be shared beyond a few local customers.
I have been advised by several more versed than me in SEO, that traffic could be lost due to redirects and that I shouldn’t change it now. We are easily found on search engines thanks to bloggers, YouTubers and our own presence on social media.
What was the biggest risk you took to grow your business and why did you go for it anyway?
I think perhaps moving the business from local sales to selling online. I learned, from a friend who had done the same, that I could start a shop on a marketplace site without having to invest in my own website. I had no idea if nationwide buyers would respond to my products as favorably as local buyers. It took one Friday night to get set up and I made the rest of the additions and changes throughout that same weekend. I knew that it was worth trying. Later, I was ready to venture into my own site. It does not need to be 100% achieved and accomplished from the start!
What are the top three reasons you credit for the success of your business?
1. That I have a 30-year long career with a prominent U.S. corporation. I understand all aspects of business (marketing, sales, product development, licensing, digital, technical work and more). I can transfer much of this experience and knowledge to my own business.
2. That I am by nature detailed, organized and a bit of a control freak!
3. That I run the business as a business and do not treat it as a hobby from which I make sales. Setting goals, objectives and business rules is critical to me.
Where do you see Lake Providence Lodge Scented Wax Melts going in the future?
I’d love to see it as something I expand to full time after my corporate career ends. Broader product offering and more time would allow me to also expand my business rules.
Which product on the line is your favorite? What is the Customer favorite?
Our Cake Bite Melts would likely be the favorite for my customers and me. The custom nature makes them fun and they are also so pretty!
Working days at your career and nights and weekends to fulfill orders can be a bear. What do you do to unwind?
I am supposed to unwind? I am more a “wound tightly but fine tuned” kind of person. I need to add unwinding to my objectives! I suppose spending time with my husband and our little chihuahuas at home.
Where do you personally find inspiration?
My faith serves as a guiding force in all aspects of my life. My corporate work helps me consider ways to do things differently and better. My customers are a tremendous help. They suggest products, scents and ways to approach things sometimes differently than I had planned and considered.
Karen’s favorite thing: Sushi.