Apr 29, 2013 8 Questions With: Ken Garduno
For this week’s installment of our ongoing interview series, I got to chat with Angeleno artist Ken Garduno. I met Ken through my friend Fred Guerrero, who was kind enough to sit down for his own 8 Q’s interview with us a few months back. You can read that here, if you missed it. Anyway, I met Fred through another friend, Benjie, and as a rule, Benjie only knows awesome talented nice people. I’ve done quite well with this kind of daisy-chain of introductions before, so I’m always open to them. In the process, I learned that Ken has been pursuing work as an artist and illustrator full time since 2006. His highest profile work to date includes working with Penguin books on a few covers, LA Weekly, art shows, and some album covers too. Read on to learn more about Ken’s work and what makes him tick.When did you decide to become a professional artist/illustrator?
I (kind of) decided when I enrolled in art school for the first time in about 2000. It was probably the first time that I became aware of all the things that illustrations could be used for. I started to take it seriously after I graduated from a different school in 2006.
What are you currently working on?
I’m starting some Bowie portraits for a freelance assignment. I’m still in the early stages of gathering reference, procrastinating, and doing sketches.
How would you describe your job?
Most of the time it doesn’t feel like a job. If anything, networking and advertising are the most “job-like” things that I do. Drawing and painting are things that I’m going to do whether or not I get paid. Fortunately, they pay most of the time. I would have to describe it as “ideal.”
What does your average work day look like?
I usually start working on projects later on in the day. After I get my daily exercise in, I head into the studio and take care of the business portion of my work. (Responding to emails, packing orders, etc). Depending on the project, I may work into the early morning hours. I really don’t have a regular work routine, and I like that.
What’s the best thing about living and working in Los Angeles?
There never seems to be a shortage of things to do in Los Angeles. The weather is great, and the city attracts lots of interesting people. L.A. has been my home for most of my life, and I still feel like there is so much more to experience. I can’t imagine living anywhere else at this time.
Where do you find inspiration?
I have a never ending supply of inspiration that comes from observing people. I like to people-watch whenever I get a chance. Taking daily walks has always been a way for me to be inspired. I’m alone with my thoughts, and soaking up information from everything around me.
As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I always wanted to be a cartoonist. I didn’t know much about illustration, so I thought of anything having to do with the drawing lifestyle as being a cartoonist. I’ve never really considered being anything else.
What’s your favorite post-work destination?
Lately, I’ve really been into playing bar trivia. I also help host and promote a weekly bar sketch night called #Sketchparty. I guess “bars” would be the common bond between most after work activities.