Nov 18, 2013 8 Questions With: Kyle Christy
Kyle Christy is an accomplished LA-based freelance photographer who has a knack for shooting creative and interesting portraits of famous talent, including musicians, actors, actresses, athletes, and more, for an equally wide range of clients. A quick look through the portfolio on his website reinforces that statement very nicely. Kyle has a unique blend of formal education and self-made go-getter attitude which has helped him gain experience and build an impressive portfolio of work, having started out at a community college, and then earned his chops as a photo assistant for a while, “before all the digital technology took over.” Interestingly, he bridges the gap between the digital divide, explaining, “I’m a little old school because thats how I came up in photography but my professional career is all new school because thats how I work now.” His first major photography gig was with Turner Broadcasting, in Atlanta, which taught him how to work within the corporate world, and tested his mettle by throwing him into experience-building situations. After seven years Kyle relocated to LA and jumped right into freelance photography. Stay tuned for word on his upcoming gallery exhibition in 2014! You can also follow his work via his Instagram and Twitter accounts.What are you currently working on?
I just came off this crazy run shooting back to back to back to back projects – a very good thing. In the last month, I’ve photographed NBA Cheerleaders in Mexico for a swimsuit calendar, a medical print ad for a new client, a cool project w/ G-Shock watches, Rapper B.o.B and LA Clippers guard Chris Paul! That’s how it is for a freelance photographer – when the projects come in all at once, you just move from one to another to keep it all going. When it’s over and the clients have images, invoices are sent, and you reset for the next thing.
How would you describe your job?
One man band…wear a lot of hats…insert other cliche stuff for “I DO EVERYTHING.” I’m a Rep, Accountant, Producer, Creative Director, Father to a Bulldog and best of all – Photographer. I’m a bit of a control freak, so I can’t seem to hand stuff off, but I’m getting better as I get busier. It’s a hustle for sure.
What does your average work day look like?
The best part of my situation is that everyday is different depending on what I’ve got going on or what I feel like doing that day. If it’s a shoot day, I’m up early because my mind starts racing and my body needs coffee asap. Hook up with my assistants for breakfast, and go handle our biz either on location or in a studio. Lights, camera, action, wrap…sit in traffic. If I’m spending the day in the office, it’s more chill and relaxed. I’ll reach out to clients to say hi, manage my social media, update my website with new images, work on art projects, play w/ Stella (my bulldog)… all while listening to music. Typically Jazz in the am and Hip Hop after lunch.
What’s the best thing about living and working in LA?
For me…being from the east coast originally, it’s the weather and the beautiful light along with the laid back lifestyle. As a photographer, I love all the resources here because of the film industry. Locations, crew, studios, clients…it’s all here!
Where do you find inspiration?
Being a visual person it’s about getting out and seeing stuff. I’m inspired by all the standard stuff I guess…Travel / TV / Film / Music. I love Street Art and try to spend as much time as I can on my bike cruising the city looking at the latest masterpieces. I try to ride in Critical Mass every month to scratch that itch. Seeing this city outside of a car but still on the street is the way to go!
Agreed! As a kid, what did you want to be when you grow up?
As a kid I wanted to be a pro athlete…a rockstar…an actor and now those are the people I photograph, awesome! I got lucky and had several amazing teachers who gave me the freedom to be an individual and follow my own path.
What are you reading at the moment?
Aside from flipping through a bunch of mags… not exactly reading. I just cracked open David & Goliath from Malcolm Gladwell. I feel like an underdog so it speaks to me… we’ll see.
What’s your favorite post-work destination?
The peaceful surroundings of my back yard…bamboo blowing in the wind…Bob Marley in the background…playing with my dog…sipping some good bourbon…making my wife laugh.
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