Jul 28, 2014 8 Questions With: Lisa Wiseman
Lisa Wiseman is an accomplished San Francisco-based photographer with an impressive portfolio of portrait photography and some very cool (not to mention successful) projects under her belt too. She was selected for the prestigious PDN’s 30 list from Photo District News in 2009. In 2012 LIsa founded The 30Love worldwide charitable art project which asked everyone around the globe, “What does love mean to you?” The project raised over $20K for GLIDE, an organization serving the poor and homeless in SF, and whose core philosophy is that unconditional love breaks the cycles of poverty and marginalization. Photos from the project can be found on her site. Her current project documents creatives in their personal spaces, and Lisa is taking submissions if you fit the bill. Don’t forget to visit her wedding photography website, her Tumblr, and her Instagram to keep up with more of Lisa’s great work.What are you currently working on?
I am always working on lots of different things! Lately I’ve been focusing on fitting in as many personal shoots as I can between client projects and frequent traveling. I overhauled my website and branding materials to showcase these recent additions to my portfolio.
How would you describe your job?
Being a photographer is both rewarding and also personally challenging. For me, photography is about the way I see the world every day, rather than just being a job.
What does your average work day look like?
My work is split between office days, which are fairly prosaic, and shooting days, which are what I live for.
An office day involves a lot of time writing and responding to emails, making calls, going back and forth with clients and planning shoots. Even on office days, I try to take photos all day long on my iPhone to stay engaged in making images.
Shooting days are either on set or location rather than at my office. I love seeing everyone from the production crew to the talent to the clients all working together to make images. It’s wonderful working with really talented people all the time and being creative with clients is a pleasure. I keep my photoshoots lively and fun so in the middle of every shoot there’s bound to be a spontaneous dance party!
Where do you find inspiration?
Everywhere! I use my iPhone as an ongoing “sketchbook” so that I’m constantly interacting with my environment in a creative way – challenging myself to make an interesting image out of whatever is in front of me. I try to find something beautiful in the mundane, which helps me stay engaged in my surroundings and in making photos, however off-the-cuff they may be. I also read a lot, visit galleries and museums, and look at all kinds of art online. One of the big ways I stay inspired is traveling regularly – sometimes with a camera and sometimes without. As much as I love shooting, I need time spent with only my eyes and the experience, not with the camera. Tech-free downtime is also pretty critical for me. And all said, the biggest way I stay inspired is spending time with my family and friends.
What’s the best thing about living and working in SF?
San Francisco is magical; it’s a city people write love songs about. It keeps me constantly alive and full of energy. Plus, the light here is exquisite!
As a kid, what did you want to be when you grow up?
A composer. I played, taught and composed on piano for many years.
What are you reading at the moment?
I’m rereading one of my favorite books The Fault in Our Stars by John Green and also hopping between a police thriller and Do The Work by Steven Pressfield.
What’s your favorite post-work destination?
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