Jun 03, 2013 8 Questions With: Nathan Perkel
Our agency took an afternoon last year to see Jiro Dreams of Sushi, an incredible documentary about an 85-year old sushi master and his quest to perfect the art and leave a legacy. Shortly thereafter, I stumbled upon Nathan Perkel‘s photographic journey through Japan. Nathan was able to capture the Tsukiji Fish Market from every corner of the enormous building in both portraits and stills. He also has an abundance of work including a portrait series, “Sumimasen,” a series of images shot on the streets of Tokyo and Sapporo. He said that this word translates to a very excited “excuse me,” which he said continuously while confronting many obliging subjects with his camera. Looking through his striking photos, one can feel a little bit of the energy, soul, and style of the metropolis. Nathan’s work has been commissioned and featured by Louis Vuitton, Nylon, ESPN Magazine, Esquire, and Newsweek.What has been one of your most rewarding projects?
Every time I pick up a camera is fun and enlightening in different ways. I love being welcomed into the hearts and homes of strangers.
What are you currently working on?
Photographing my neighborhood, Alphabet City. And shooting various commercial projects.
How do you choose your projects?
I’m pretty ADD so I tend to have a bunch of small ones going at once, some of them work and others don’t.
Where do you find inspiration?
I need to exercise everyday, skateboarding, bike riding, running, swimming…I think it clears my mind.
As a kid, what did you want to be?
Formula 1 driver for sure.
What is your favorite place to travel?
I went to Japan twice last year which was amazing, but I don’t play favorites, there are so many places I want to go.
What is your favorite post-work destination?
Anywhere so long as it’s outside, and with friends.
What are you currently reading?
Tons of magazines, a book called Speed Tribes, and your mind.