Nov 25, 2013 8 Questions With: Stephen Greene of RockCorps
Stephen Greene has devoted his career to a multitude of social causes. In 2003, Stephen co-founded international pro-social media company, RockCorps, an organization that leverages the power of music to inspire young people across the world to give back to their communities through volunteering. People who donate four hours of time at a RockCorps organized volunteer event receives exclusive access to RockCorps concerts, which have included Lady Gaga, Snoop Dogg, Kanye West, TI, Smashing Pumpkins, and Vampire Weekend. As CEO, Stephen initiates brand partnerships in each country to create a differentiated marketing and communications platform that connects youth consumers to both brands and local charity partners.Stephen was also recently appointed by the British Prime Minister to serve as Executive Chairman of the National Citizen Service, he continues to serve on the Board of Directors of both the Fowler Centre (a Miami-based charity), IVO (which uses the internet to connect people involved in community causes), and is an advisor to War Child (a London charity that seeks to help children whose lives are torn apart by conflict).
I first met Stephen in grad school over a decade ago, and we were part of a small student group that traveled to Shanghai and Beijing to visit local and multinational companies in the area. It’s inspiring to hear how their team has been able to reach this generation and create a movement that has had such an impact across the world!
How did the concept of RockCorps become a reality and how did you become involved?
RockCorps was the idea of 2 friends of mine and the co-founders: Grady Lee and Toby Garrett. I come to the concept after 9 years working for a non profit organization, The Fowler Center in Michigan, where I had became frustrated with the funding model for non profits. I took myself off to business school and embarked on a career in Venture Capital. Following 9/11, a group of friends really loved the idea of Grady and Toby – as they had previously started a program that allowed people to earn tickets to concerts in Colorado and beyond. However, I wanted to avoid going back to non-profit, and what I saw as the unsustainable funding model. The lightbulb moment came when we realised that brands were beginning to communicate and market to youth around giving back, as they were with music, sports and fashion. If we could become a brand partnership vehicle for brands – an engagement platform, returning value for them, while empowering thousands of volunteers, then it was win-win. At that moment RockCorps was born and we haven’t looked back.
Describe the evolution of RockCorps since its inception.
Kicking off with our first concert in 2005 in Radio City Music Hall, New York, we had a successful start in the US, in partnership with Boost Mobile. Soon we began to realise that the combination of youth, music and giving back was not just an American concept, but a global concept, and we needed to take RockCorps to other countries. We formed a partnership with Orange in the UK in 2008, from there we went to France, Israel, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Australia and we are about to have our first concert in South Africa. Over 500,000 volunteering hours, in 9 countries and 5 continents over 8 years, and we feel like we have only just begun.
Are there any insights or lessons to share as you have built this incredible community network/culture?
Believe in limitless power of youth. They have the power to change the world. Our experience at RockCorps with engaging youth has shown us that the only ingredient missing in society is respect for young people that they can make great change – and the tools and the opportunity to do so.
How would you describe your role at RockCorps (day-to-day basis and how this has changed with growth)?
RockCorps throws up something new every day. New countries and new cultures are a constant source of fascination for me. Every market we take RockCorps to has a different youth culture, a new set of amazing NGOs, and a new music scene, but the combination works every time. Young people are more the same than different around the world.
Where do you hope to take the organization in the near and long term future?
At RockCorps we are obsessed with scale. We want to go to new markets, inspiring youth around the world. If we can situate a RockCorps within every country in every continent, I would say our long-term goals would have been realised. Although, lets not restrict ourselves!
Describe some of the projects/initiatives you are most proud of and the impact achieved.
Taking RockCorps to Africa for the first time has been an important moment for my friends and me. We have been trying to find the right brand partner there for nearly 5 years. Coca-Cola has given us the opportunity to start RockCorps in a new country, and I hope it will be the beginning of many more RockCorps partnerships on the continent. There is a great energy in Africa that RockCorps is carried along with – it is addicting to do community work and the music is incredible. Here is a film about our latest platform Coca-Cola RockCorps in South Africa.
Can you talk about what your role at the National Citizen Service (NCS)?
As a result of RockCorps reputation in the UK and in other territories, I was approached by the UK Prime Minister, David Cameron and Nick Hurd, the Minister for Civil Society to be Chair of the NCS Trust in 2011. NCS Trust is an independent management body that looks after NCS. NCS offers a once in a lifetime opportunity for 16 – 17 year olds to make new friends within their peer group, build in confidence and get involved with their communities, through outdoor activity and social action projects projects. As Chair of the Board of NCS Trust, I oversee and guide an ever-growingly talented and dedicated team of individuals. The programme has over 65,000 graduates so far! The UK needs to have a National youth engagement programme – and NCS is it!
Where do you personally find inspiration?
The music is everything. Music connects everyone. Young people have the power to change the world and I passionately believe in them. All of them. At RockCorps we equip them with tools and opportunities to take action. But it is the music that changes everything, that gets not hundreds but hundreds of thousands of teens engaged in their communities. Music is the inspiration.
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