Elephant and Bees Project

Elephant and Bees Project


In East Africa, building a fence to protect your crops from elephants does no justice.  It can lead to accidents or even death to both farmers and elephants. Many people have theorized that elephants are afraid of mice because they fear that the tiny creatures will crawl inside their trunks.  The truth is they are really terrified of bees because when the insects sting the inside of their trunks the pain is excruciating and just the buzzing noise will keep them away.   Zoologist Lucy King came up with a smart idea of planting bee hives all around the crops to keep it elephant-free.  Not only will the hives steer elephants away in a safe manner, but it becomes a great revenue stream for farmers who want to sell fresh honey. There are now active beehive fences in Kenya, Botswana, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda, and Sri Lanka. The Elephant and Bees Project is currently trying to raise funds to greatly expand the program. You can make a kind donation here to help fund their project.

