Sep 12, 2013 Millenials will make up half the workforce in 2020
Came across this infographic that charts out just how different Gen-Y/Millenials are than previous generations, and how to better adapt to their presence in the workforce. Although I do have to agree with most of these insights, I should also point out that I don’t necessarily believe that these are as inherent as some tend to believe they are. I believe that quite a few of these are due to circumstances and a reflection of the current state of our economy/environment, and this is simply our response to those said factors.Anyhow, take a look at the infographic. I’m sure a few of those will give you a good laugh. My favorite? (1) “Only 17% of 20 year olds in 2006 value a job with more than two weeks vacation as important VS 20 year olds in 1976, and (2) Only 33% value a job that most people look up to and respect as ‘very important’ vs 43% in 1976.” Apparently I don’t care for vacation time nor a respectful position. Who knew!