Author: kevin


Bill Gates. Steve Jobs. Warren Buffet. Mark Zuckerberg. Sergey Brin. Jack Dorsey. The old and the new. What do all of these fellows have in common besides the fact that they are all gazillionaires? They all started their respective businesses before they hit the ripe old age of 30. We're living in a time unlike...

Feed, Video

Several months ago I ran into an old high school friend, Evan Cassidy, at, you guessed it, the local bar. We got a chance to catch up and much to my surprise he mentioned that he is a full-time stand-up comedian. He currently hosts his own act called Straight Fudgin' Comedy at the Brea Improv...

Feed, Humbled

One of my best friends is graduating college this month and I couldn't be any happier for him. He spent most of his "college years" serving his nation in the Army so it's great to finally see him accomplish this feat. His graduation reminded me how much I truly enjoy graduation speeches and got me...


Paul Miller, a tech writer for The Verge, recently came back to the world of online "bliss" after disconnecting himself from it for an entire year. Initially, it appeared to be quite refreshing for him as he was beginning to connect with others more frequently in person, was getting out and about, and became more...

Feed, Humbled

The below video has caught like wild fire ever since it launched a few days ago. Dove has been on this up and down marketing cycle for quite some time, but this latest effort truly is fantastic. This video puts a positive spin on an image-centric society and changes the way we perceive not only...


First there was SOPA, now there is CISPA, Cyber Intelligence and Sharing Protection Act. Long story short, Congress (along with their evil heavyweight lobbyists and media backers) is at it again to obliterate any resemblance of online privacy that we have left. In an "effort" to enhance America's defenses against future cyber attacks, CISPA aims...


Came across this interesting clip of Whole Foods CEO, John Mackey, explaining his thought process behind taking the company public. He sets out to debunk the myth that a public company's stakeholders are not as notoriously difficult as they are known to be, and rather it is the customers that are the difficult ones to...


Has our world's water problem just been solved?! Ahh, wishful thinking. Probably not, but at least a few more people now have access to fresh, clean water. In this particular case, villages in Lima, Peru get virtually no rain yet have an incredibly high humidity rate. UTEC developed this brilliant idea to capture the air's...