Author: kevin


The war between Apple and Android just went "thermonuclear." According to a new biography on Steve Jobs, by Walter Isaacson, Steve Jobs claimed that Android was a stolen product and was willing to spend all of Apple's $40 billion dollars in the bank and his last dying breath taking them down. You've gotta hand it...


Please explain to me how this even comes remotely close to an excuse to bail on friends. Isn't this more of a mental nutcase game you're playing with yourself than you are with your friends or acquaintances? This may, however, be the greatest thing to sign your married buddies up for...


In 2008, Mark Zuckerberg announced that Sheryl Sandberg would become the first Chief Operating Officer of Facebook. She left her VP of Global Online Sales and Operations position at Google for a company that was bleeding cash and desperately needed to figure out how to make itself a business. Well, Sheryl Sandberg did exactly that...