Author: kevin


Using a CNC router whisky manufacturer, Suntory Whisky, carved out some amazingly detailed designs that include the likes of the Statue of Liberty, a guitar, Mario, and an astronaut. The campaign launched in 2014 but just recently won a Branded Content & Entertainment Lotus trophy at the Asia Pacific Advertising Festival in Thailand. Just to...


One thing you learn quickly while working in the world of startups is that you really have no idea which idea will "hit" and which idea will crash, but that's also what makes it so invigorating. Of course there are those that you know will succeed to some degree but then there are also a...


Our hearing is going down the drain. That is just a straight up fact and consequence of having access to so many platforms to listen to audio on. Age certainly plays a factor but also blasting that one song you're rockin' out to oh so hard on your commute is certainly not helping your case....

8 Questions

ARCHT One. A multi-directional wireless speaker that can automatically adapt to its surroundings to deliver optimal sound quality. Launched on Kickstarter back in late 2014, ARCHT One gained immediate popularity amongst the major tech publications and consumers alike more than tripling their funding goal to the tune of $240,000 by the time their campaign closed....


Sleep. We all know we need it but most of us rarely concede to it. We either have never-ending errands, a project deadline, are traveling all over the globe, have kids to care for, or just straight up waste our time by watching two full seasons of House of Cards in a sitting. Thanks, Netflix....


3D printing is revolutionizing everything we know about both consumer and industrial level production. From engine parts to kitchen aids to even weapons, almost anything can be manufactured with one little machine. A scary thought if you really think about it. However despite my own concerns of what a world would look like if anyone...


Ira Glass is a well known radio personality and current host of the nationally syndicated show, This American life. An excerpt of his has been circulating for a few years now providing some perspective on the life of being a creative and the expectations a creative typically sets for themselves. More specifically, diving into the...


"Never Leave the playground," says Stephen Jepson. An incredibly agile, both physically and mentally, 72 year old who appears to have the endurance and memory of someone a fraction of his age. Convinced that "play" is the secret to a long and healthy life, Stephen stays active from dusk to dawn filling his hours with...