Author: kevin


300 FOOT SLIP 'N SLIDE? YES, please. Artist Luke Jerram is attempting to secure funding (a la crowdsourcing) to debut a 300 foot slip 'N slide on May 4th in a hilly city in southwest England. He's already about $6,000 of the way there of roughly a $9,000 goal. What's his REAL goal? (besides making our...

8 Questions

He's Will E., the CEO. She's Lia, the CCO (Chief Creative Officer). Together, this husband and wife duo brought the worlds of photography, (specifically DSLRs) and smartphones together into one. Based in New York with years of experience in product, design and photography, this power couple launched their very first commercial product, a wireless remote...


An iPhone, a Lego Man, and 365 days. UK based photographer, Andrew Whyte, takes us on a journey through the eyes of my favorite childhood toy - the legendary Lego Man. Playing around with various distances, angles, and depths, Whyte is able to achieve some surreal photos of seemingly "normal" backgrounds - a prime example...


Facebook, Twitter, blogs, online publications, Instagram. Feel free to post, voice, comment whatever you wish but just know that someone is ALWAYS listening. Case in point, an automotive journalist who learned the hard way when he so adamantly voiced his opinion that world renowned Nascar driver, Jeff Gordon's, salesman stunt was fake. Original at the...


The startup Founder and investor relationship can be a very frustrating experience at times. Both are vying for their own best interests in mind and require quite a bit of nudging in order to find a common middle ground to appease both parties. Sometimes however one side can be too stubborn (I'd like to assume...

8 Questions

Go to any event (concert, speech, birthday party, etc) and you'll notice that the vast majority of attendees, if not ALL of them, are using their phone to snap a quick picture or shoot some footage. The importance of one's phone has never been clearer in today's modern technological world. Photos taken with cell-phones are...

Feed, Humbled

As technology and medicine continue to improve, so does the average human life span. Healthier humans equals an increased number of humans that are alive at any given time. This means more food, more energy, and more resources that need to be manufactured and consumed. Eventually, this rate will begin to grow at an exponential...