Author: Martin Wong

8 Questions

[caption id="attachment_17389" align="alignnone"] Photo: Jaymie Devan[/caption] I could write pages about the eye-popping, other-worldly precision of my friend Andy Alexander's fine art or his esteemed art direction and branding gigs for huge companies. Yet sometimes it's oddball personal projects that start off as a lark but take a life of their own, and that's the case...


Sometimes mistakes work out perfectly. We had left Vancouver BC, crossed the border, and drove straight to the Seattle Art Museum because I wanted to see the Chiho Aoshima installation. I hadn't seen her work in person since Takashi Murakami's Superflat landed in Los Angeles and changed everything way back in 2001. That was the...


My family and I vacationed in the PacNW last week, and our final stop was Seattle. There, my parents, wife, daughter, and I wound up dedicating our entire last day to Bruce Lee. It actually didn't start off like that. We went to the Lake View Cemetary to take flowers to my wife's great grandfather's...


You might have heard that Imprint has recently moved to a new office: the renovated Psychic Temple in Downtown Long Beach. It's a lovingly, gorgeously, and intelligently restored commercial building--the second oldest in the neighborhood--and the library is an inspired collaboration between architect/designer Brandon Shigeta and artist James Jean. Imprint founder Julia Huang asked a handful...


The folks in Dengue Fever are longtime friends of mine and the band has been all over this Imprint blog. Zac and Nimol represented Cambodia Town and independent music as part of Imprint's conference about Long Beach. The band recently played on of my benefits for the school that my daughter attends in Chinatown. So...


I went to San Diego Comic Con and didn't step into Hall H even once. No Walking Dead panel, no Deadpool preview, no Star Wars sightings. But I had a great time, saw a ton of old friends and amazing artists, and sat in on a number of panels without having to wait in a...