Apr 11, 2017 Beam me down to the Vasquez Rocks

This season we’ve been making pit stops on the drive back to Los Angeles from Mammoth: Manzanar, Alabama Hills, Red Rocks. Two weeks ago, we pulled over at the Vasquez Rocks. I’ve been wanting to check them out ever since visiting the Alabama Hills and being tipped that they weren’t actually the site of Kirk and Gorn’s battle in “Arena.”
The Vasquez Rocks Natural Area Park is located in Agua Dulce, right between Santa Clarita and Palmdale. It’s less than 10 minutes off Highway 14 and there’s a big sign marking the area with plenty of free parking. We grabbed the last space in the little lot in front but there’s way more parking further in, which is actually where you’ll want to go.
But I thought it was cool walking up the dirt paths through smaller rocks toward the bigger ones, which should be instantly recognizable to fans of Star Trek. Layers upon layers of rock jut up at angles, creating an otherwordly landscape as well as natural ramps leading into the crisp blue sky. From the ground, the hike up looks perilous but it is actually quite easy as well as safe. The parallel layers create natural rails.
It took a while to match up images I found on the iPhone with the actual rocks. We found the spot where Kirk and Gorn face off and where the former blasts the latter with homemade explosives. We couldn’t find the location of the famous boulder throw, but it’s good to have a goal for when we return with newbies and maybe Federation uniforms.
I like nature as much as the next person but mixing in Star Trek makes it even cooler. We didn’t see any other fans but there were some Renaissance Faire and glamor girl photo shoots going on… Much respect and Live Long and Prosper to Mother Nature!
Check out the Vasquez Rocks at parks.lacounty.gov and follow Imprint on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, too.