Dec 29, 2015 Best of Imprint 2015
Around this time of year, we gather as much of the crew as possible to share a meal and discuss highlights from Imprint’s previous 12 months. I scribbled down everyone’s thoughts on their favorite articles as quickly as I could!Tanya Raukko: “I was really intrigued by Matt Jay’s interview of the ‘laboratory for publication’ duo, Patricia No and Antonia Pinter of Publication Studio. A heartwarming story of their print-on-demand studio start-up, amidst popular perspectives of “the death of the book.” Their dedication to the beauty of literature, art of publishing, and experiential context of books as a social element is fascinating.”
Jeffrey Ng: “8 questions with Sketchbook Projects.”
Calvin Nakamaru: “I picked all the Pow! Wow! Long Beach posts (Pow Wow Long Beach 2015 Photo Recap, Pow! Wow! Long Beach Was Fun, Pow! Wow! Long Beach BTS) because it was my first time attending a Pow! Wow! event and I will never forget the experience I had with the crew and artists during that week. It was truly the best thing that ever happened to me, and I’ll be counting down the days until the next one!”
Jerry Hsiao: “Some of my favorite posts from the past year were the city tours that Pow! Wow! hosted. But I am partial to the Taiwan one because it’s where my family is from. Seeing the blend of local locations and murals going up really made me overjoyed. Two things I have a great fondness towards combining. I hope to get out there soon to check it out with my own eyes.”
Julia Huang: “It was a tough one. I had 2-3 favorites and all with good reasons. But, in the end, I choose 8 Questions with Publication Studios. Matt Jay recommended a few for us to collect in our library and I’ve been a fan ever since. I’m also mesmerized by their business model: Books printed upon purchase and shared online for free so readers can create a cloud-based book club? Whaaat? This 8 questions epitomizes everything wonderful about these lovers of publications, and how apropos for Imprint.”
As for me, it looks like I need to step up my writing next year. But I liked it a lot when Jerry interviewed his wife, Amanda Hsiao. Of course, she is a lovely person who works her ass off on interesting projects. Go Amanda–and Jerry’s all right, too. However, on top of that, this piece demonstrates how much each of us can learn from and be inspired by the people who are right next to us every day…
Thanks for spending some of 2015 with us, and hope to catch you on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook in 2016!