

Most of it is politics, but they also discussed music. "My iPod now has about 2,000 songs, and it is a source of great pleasure to me. I am probably still more heavily weighted toward the music of my childhood than I am the new stuff. There's still a lot of Stevie Wonder, a lot of...


Now that JetBlue Airways is using Milton Glaser’s famous “I ♥ NY” logo in a new advertising campaign, The Times asked readers to imagine commingling Mr. Glaser’s logo with other New York brands or slogans. Browse the gallery of submissions here....


Since 2002 Kenya has been art director of the Japanese retail company Muji, a brand with a “no brand” policy. With an emphasis on design simplicity, reducing the production process, affordability, recycling and waste avoidance, they have hundreds of flagship stores and stockists throughout Japan and elsewhere. His first campaign for Muji took the team...


I went to this last year and had a phenomenal experience. Anyone in town who knows the value of high-quality, locally, organically purveyed produce and fine meats will fork the dough to this charitable organization and have the most amazing time/meal of their lives. Taste of Greenmarket Wednesday October 6, 2010 The Altman Building 135 W. 18 Street,...


A book of all of the swatches made for Corb by Salubra from 1931 to 1959 was published by Birkhäuser in 1997. A young chemist, Katrin Trautwein, the co-founder of KT Color, then started to explore the possibility of manufacturing the paints and secured a license to do so from the Fondation Le Corbusier. ‘‘It...


Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Kurt Cobain were all left-handed, all died at the age of 27, and autopsies reported each having a white bic lighter in their pockets. This is why it is said that white lighters are unlucky. Just like the one used in "Bong-hit Station" Nutsy's issue circa...