Détournement at Jonathan LeVine Gallery. Catch it Before it Closes.

Détournement at Jonathan LeVine Gallery. Catch it Before it Closes.

If one were to reverse-triangulate the pop-culture-as-art-environment from which Imprint Culture Lab came to life, it’d be parented by Carlo McCormick (senior editor at Paper, everywhere-man in haute street) and Jonathan LeVine (whose gallery has alley-ooped more artists to stardom with Giant Robot than Rajon Rondo has Spaldings). That’s why it’s so exciting that Carlo has curated “Détournement: Signs of the Times” at the Jonahtan LeVine Gallery. It closes this week, so if you’re in New York City don’t miss it.
jonathon levine, gallery, new york, imprint, anne ishii, art

“Man of Sorrows” by Dan Witz