Mar 13, 2013 and creative collaboration
This is something I’ve been following on twitter, but haven’t taken the plunge into actual participation yet. takes your unfinished project be it music, prose, poetry, screenplay, film, or photo/art project and puts them up for creative grab to other registered users. Started by actor Joseph Gorden-Levitt, hitReCord is a refreshing realization of the internet as a collaborative tool.First of all the vibe is completely positive and inviting, pushing users towards productivity. JGL is the perfect mouthpiece with his excitable nature and clear enthusiasm for the work at hand. He hopes to spearhead the more popular projects, with the promise of compensation for contributors.
From the site:
“A wise man once said “we don’t make movies to make money; we make money to make other movies” — and that’s why hitRECord is a for-profit company. If and when we’re able to earn money from one of our hitRECord productions — books, live shows, vinyl records — we split the profits 50-50 with the artists who contributed.”
At you’re looking for inspiration and something you ultimately like and want to contribute to…even if you might be one of 100 collaborators on a single project.
Putting yourself out there feels more likely (certainly its more inviting) for artists in a space like this. Even traditionally solitary pursuits like writing are geared towards getting you involved and creating as a community.
They’re asking directly how can YOU make things better, in turn encouraging positive collaboration.
All the good will and vibes don’t ensure you a great outcome. In the end its about the process and the desire to keep creating.
But c’mon, lets stay positive.