Aug 29, 2013 I Forgot My Phone
How often are you on your phone? The average smartphone user spends an hour a day, with iPhone users spending a bit more and Android users spending a bit less. Now, consider the fact that this is just an average and we all know how misleading averages can be. I’m absolutely convinced that users, especially those located in major metropolitan cities, are on their phones for AT LEAST double that time. With all of the social media content, addicting games (*cough* Candy Crush), sports apps, Netlix, email, and many others, it’s almost impossible to stay away.
YouTube-er CharstarleneTV just launched a video on just how disconnected everyone is from the real world. It’s garnered quite a bit of attention as it’s already surpassed 13.5 million views in just a week. Although a few of the scenes are a bit facetious, Charlene nailed the video dead on as most people, if not everyone, can resonate with every. single. scene.