Jan 29, 2013 Imprint Culture Lab comes to Long Beach

Since 2006, Imprint Culture Lab has put a spotlight on under-the-radar, up-and-coming, and just-plain-cool topics: unseen influencers, next-level interests, and most recently Architecture for Dogs. We are pleased to announce that the next event will take place in Downtown Long Beach, CA and cover… Long Beach, CA.
In the spring conference, we will provide a multifaceted examination of an organically ripening community on the cusp of coolness, with history, energy, and potential that cannot be replicated by planned communities. The event will focus on the port city’s rich-but-seldom-celebrated heritage and unsung diversity and as well as its rejuvenation and current flourishing of creative cultures and businesses. And while the energy is local in nature, it is as universal in appeal as it is elusive.
The confirmed keynote speaker is W+K Garage‘s leader and longtime friend of Imprint John Jay, who is well versed in the Great Cities of the World but is more importantly involved and vested in the evolution of Portland, OR.
Other contributors are slated to include Pulitzer Prize winning food writer Jonathan Gold (Los Angeles Times), architecture experts Cara Mullio and Jennifer Mulland (Long Beach Architecture: The Unexpected Metropolis), musicians with roots in Long Beach subcultures Jack Grisham (T.S.O.L., The Manic Low, The Joy Killer) and Zac Holtzman and Chomm Nimol (Dengue Fever), and pro skateboarder and skate park activist Chad Tim Tim.
Keep checking on this blog every Tuesday for updates on guests and events, as well as interviews with participants and the scoop on how to attend.