Jun 11, 2013 Imprint Culture Lab Update with Jack Grisham from T.S.O.L.

Remember Jack Grisham from the music panel of Long Beach: Work in Progress? He has just released a collection of short stories titled Untamed. To celebrate, Jack hosted a book signing at The Observatory in Santa Ana where the price of the publication included a matinee including his band T.S.O.L. and other old-school Orange County punks The Detours, The Junk, Unit F, and 405 Pile-Up. Kids were free so I brought my five-year-old.
As I introduced Eloise to Jack, picked up a copy of the book, and had him sign it, he thanked me again for including him in the conference, adding that it was “a great thing” we are doing at Imprint. How cool is that? He also reiterated that he was sorry he couldn’t spend more time with us that day but that he was having heart problems that week. I recall him telling me as he walked down the sidewalk immediately following his talk, “I have to lay down.”
The book? It features 10 short stories that are completely sordid and sick yet joyously so, just like his songs. And like his memoir, each tale is inspired by events from his life experiences. I really like the one about the hypnotist bear and bunny with issues, as well as the story about the angel who comes down to earth, gets involved with his project, and ends up riddled withe bullet holes. Wonder how much of it takes place in Long Beach.
The show? Although it was 4:00, the scene was tense, sweaty, and front-loaded with early cuts from “Abolish Government/Silent Majority” to “Sounds of Laughter” that drove a raging slam pit. I left with my daughter about halfway through, before inevitably crossing the line from awesome dad to horrible one.
T.S.O.L. are embarking on a tour of South America this week, but Jack will return for a reading at Beyond Baroque on Saturday, June 22. Why not get your copy of the book there and have him sign it as well.