Dec 04, 2015 Making Bricks Out of Heavy Air Pollution
A 34-year old performance artist from Shenzhen named “Nut Brother” walked around the streets of Beijing with a vacuum cleaner at his side. He told Quartz through his performance art, he wants people to think more about environmental protection and better understand the “relationship between human and nature”. For 100 days, Nut Brother vacuumed China’s toxic air for 4 hours a day. What he got as a result was a mixture of “dust and smog” that weighed roughly 100 grams. He told Quartz, the ordinary brick is meant to be just a symbol and he wants to give his brick to a construction site to make it part of a new building in Beijing. He would like to let the brick disappear into the concrete jungle, he said, “just like putting a drop of water in the ocean.”
via: Quartz