May 14, 2013 Portraits from Long Beach: Work in Progress

As long as new material from Long Beach: Work in Progress keeps trickling in, I’m going to keep blogging about it. This post features some excellent portraiture of the speakers by my friend Ben Clark. Above, Architecture and Food Panelists: Long Beach architecture experts and authors Cara Mullio and Jennifer M. Volland (Edward A. Killingsworth: An Architect’s Life, Long Beach Architecture: The Unexpected Metropolis); Pulitzer Prize winning food writer Jonathan Gold (The Los Angeles Times).
Music Panelists: Zac Holtzman and Chhom Nimol from Dengue Fever, Joe Escalante from The Vandals, Jack Grisham from T.S.O.L., and me. (Jack had to leave before Ben could photograph him, so my picture with him will have to do… )
Skateboard Panelists: Chad Tim Tim (pro for Element, Dekline), Justin Reynolds (Riviera Skateboards/Resource Distro), cinematographer Ricki Bedenbaugh (Red Bull, Element), shoe designer Paul Kwon (Wide Eyed Fever, Dekline, Vans, Element, DC Shoes).
Imprint Culture Lab regulars: Imprint founder Julia Huang (interTrend), three-time Imprint contributor and keynote speaker John Jay (W+K Garage), round table moderator jeffstaple (Imprint, Staple Design).
Not enough links for you? Try these from the Signal Tribune and the Long Beach Business Journal.