Nov 29, 2012 The Amphibious House
Rising sealevels has been a concern for several years now and its interesting to see the types of solutions that have been rolling out from researchers, architects, and inventors. Britian’s Evironment Agency just released a potential design for a floating house, or in their terms, an amphibious house. The concept is pretty simple actually: the structure sits in a dock like space secured by four vertical posts sunk deep into the ground, and as floodwater begins to flow across the surface of the land, the water is channeled into the chamber/dock space. The house will rise vertically as the water rises, but is built in such a manner that it will never move laterally, only vertically.Another solution I’ve seen in the last year or so was an underwater concept, which actually seems very appealing to me….
We’re living in probably the most creative period of our time due to the advances in technology, so expect life to drastically change in the near future — AKA can you see yourself living underwater or in a floating house? Hell yeah, I can!