The Year Ahead

The Year Ahead

If you believe the good people at Huffington Post, 2014 is going to be the year of mindfulness. Sounds pretty good to me, but I dare you to spend an hour on an LA freeway and keep faith in that notion! Every year, top-ranked agency JWT (formerly known as J. Walter Thompson) call up their Intelligence department to run analysis on the world around us and make predictions about the year ahead. And so they generate interesting predictive lists, such as “100 Things to Watch For In 2014” which promises “the rising popularity of aerial yoga, brands in space, Google Glass etiquette, ugly produce and more.” The full list is really interesting. Personally, I’m excited to see 3D printing at the top of the list, as well as so many art-related ideas there. And don’t forget, JWT invented the grilled cheese sandwich, which I think is already ground-breaking enough that they could rest on those laurels indefinitely, so props for keeping it moving.
