imprint BLACK BOX


The Third Dimension

Black Box: a technical term for any device viewed in terms of its input and output without any knowledge of its internal workings. Almost anything can occasionally be referred to as a black box: a transistor, an algorithm, the internet, humans. Like a black box, we focus solely on synthesizing input in order to achieve the desired output. We source inspiration, ideation and thinking from an elite group of proven curators, creators and luminaries. This network of thinkers, innovators and artists serves as the core of our Black Box methodology. We crowdsource from the cream.

X-Axis: Identify Desired Output

We start with the client's ultimate end need, be it market share, design insights, brand extension or engagement of specific consumer segments.

Y-Axis: Identify Required Input

Once the desired output is established, we focus on the input – the strategic insights, business data, budget realities and history that will feed the process.

Z-Axis: Blueprint the Blackbox

With input and output established, Imprint Blackbox will create a detailed project proposal that is customized to deliver the desired output. Each proposal entails a combination of methodologies and approaches specifically tailored to the client's work process, pace and budget.